Recipe Keeper Privacy Policy.

Recipe Keeper does not collect, store or share any personal information about you.

Recipe, shopping list and meal planner data entered into Recipe Keeper resides only on your local device unless you register and sign in to a Recipe Keeper account. When you register and sign in to a Recipe Keeper account we securely store the email address and password of your Recipe Keeper account and store a copy of your recipe, shopping list and meal planner data on our servers in order to sync the data to your other devices.

When scanning a recipe from a photo or PDF file, the selected photo or PDF page is sent to our servers and scanned using a third party OCR scanning service. Scanned photos and text may be retained for a period of time in order to improve the quality of the scanning service.

Recipe Keeper uses your internet connection when syncing your data and when you import recipes from web sites.

We will retain your data for as long as you maintain an account or as otherwise necessary to provide you with access to our services. We will also retain your data as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. You can delete your account at any time by emailing our support line.